World Congress on

Earth Science and Climate Change

THEME: "Exploring the Novel Advances in Earth Science and Climate Change"

img2 24-25 Mar 2025
img2 Barcelona, Spain

Scientific Program

Keynote Speaker

Aaron YAIR

Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Title: Landscapes of sandy areas along a rainfall gradient of 90-450 mm average rainfall

Aaron YAIR


Aaron Yair has completed undergraduate studies (Geography) at the University of Paris (Sorbonne). Graduate and PhD studies (Geomorphology) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Summa cum laude). He is mainly interested in the study of geomorphic processes in arid and semi-arid environments. His studies cover the three prevailing landscapes in dry-land areas: rocky areas; sandy areas and loess covered areas. In 1972, he established the long-term Sede Boqer Research Station, characteristic of an arid rocky area. In 1999, he established (in the frame of the Minerva Organization, the Arid Ecosystems Research Centre, in the Nizzana area. This site represents a sandy ecosystem. The studies were conducted along a rainfall gradient from 90-450 average annual rainfall, focusing on the hydrology and ecology of the various sandy areas. Finally, the studies of the loess covered areas, focused on the hydrological and pedological aspects, in an area with 280 mm average annual rainfall.

He received the following awards:

Keynote Speaker

Carlos A Nobre

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Title: Adopting Nature-Based Solutions to Avoid the Tipping Point in the Amazon

Carlos A Nobre


Carlos A. Nobre is an Earth System scientist from Brazil. He obtained an Engineering degree in Electronics Engineering from the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), Brazil, in 1974 and a PhD in Meteorology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, in 1983. He initiated his professional carrier in 1976 at the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA), in Manaus, Brazil, as research assistant. He was a researcher with Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) for over 30 years, where he helped to establish a modern weather and climate forecasting research center (CPTEC-INPE), and was its Director from 1991 through 2003. He created in 2008 INPE’s Center for Earth System Science. More recently (2011-2014), he was Ministry of Science and Technology’s National Secretary for R&D Policy, where he created in 2011 the National Center for Monitoring and Alerts of Natural Disasters (CEMADEN). He was President of Brazil’s Federal Agency for Post-Graduate Education (CAPES) in 2015-2016. He was one of the architects of the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) and LBA’s Program Scientist from 1996 to 2002. He was thesis supervisor of over 30 PhD and MSc students and has authored or co-authored over 200 scientific publications. He was chair of International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) Scientific Steering Committee (2005-2011). He has served in many international scientific committees, such as the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Science Advisory Board on Global Sustainability (2013-2016). Currently, he is a member of the Joint Steering Committee (JSC) of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), and of the Rockfeller Foundation Economic Council on Planetary Health. He is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. He has participated in many IPCC reports.


Hyunhee Lee

Korea Institute of Energy Research, South Korea

Title: LNG-Hydrogen co-firing experiment in domestic boiler

Hyunhee Lee


Hyunhee Lee has been working at the Korea Institute of Energy Research since 2018. His research focuses on herbal boilers, including pellets and wood chips. He is also conducting research on renewable energy, specifically H? boilers and ammonia boilers. Additionally, he has been involved in various fields such as heat exchangers and smart farms.

Keynote Speaker

J. Arbuckle

Iowa State University Department of Sociology, US

Title: Global warming’s “Six Americas” in agriculture: Exploring farmers’ attitudes towards climate change and adaptive and mitigative responses

J. Arbuckle



Jesse Ilan Wainer

Rainforest Reliance Inc., Cocoa, Florida, USA

Title: Focusing on: Rural Socioeconomic Revitalization Stimulation via a Renewable Bio-based Castor Economy

Jesse Ilan Wainer


Environmentalist, Philanthropist, Agricultural Engineer & Entrepreneur: Focusing on Renewable Energy, Climate Change, World Food Security & Indigenous Peoples Rights. Born in Johannesburg South Africa. Studied at the University of the Witwatersrand - B.A. Law. Horticulturist from a young age- engaging and learning from my father’s green thumb. Passionate for taking an abstract and making it a physical reality. Produced food and energy products on 5-continents. Involved in all aspects from creation to finished product, sales and marketing. Past decade dedicated to participating in solving the global climate and energy crisis, with emphasis on energy, food security and sustainability. Currently working with indigenous people and rural communities in both Nicaragua and Honduras. Rainforest Reliance – KEEPING THE EARTH IN BALANCE ( Currently living in Italy undergoing Castor cultivation trials on the Mediterranean and looking to relocate 100- immigrant families to a rural town and municipality that can facilitate a minimum of 50 to 100 homes and a minimum of 1,000-hectares land (arable, non-arable, flat, hilly or mountainous) in order to implement a pilot project with intent to sell to ENI (Fossil Fuel Refinery in Sicily) demonstrating viability.


Tiago Goulart

Earthworm Foundation, Brazil

Title: Analysis of Forest Loss in the Amazon Region from 1990 to 2020 Using Remote Sensing Data

Tiago Goulart


Tiago Goulart is a researcher specializing in remote sensing and environmental analysis. With a background in geography and GIS, Tiago Goulart has contributed to several projects focused on land cover change and environmental conservation. Currently, Tiago Goulart is engaged in studying deforestation trends and their implications on biodiversity and climate change in the Amazon region.


Yohaan Kukreja

Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Title: Developing Market-Responsive Products from Rice Paddy Straw: Valorising agro-waste in response to India’s economic trends (A proposal)

Yohaan Kukreja


Yohaan is a multidisciplinary designer, strategist and innovator whose work aims at expediting the transition from a Linear Economy to a circular one. His solutions lie at the intersection of Nature, Technology, Design & Enterprise distinctively positioned to tackle the volatile, uncertain, complex & ambiguous challenges society & the planet face. His experiences lie across a myriad of subjects eg. new material development, waste valorization, product, system & service design, Research and publishing & public speaking.

For his Masters thesis at MA/MSc Innovation Design Engineering at Imperial College London & the Royal College of Art, he developed project RAW Materials, that transforms rice paddy straw into bio-derived shoe soles for footwear. This initiative tackles the issue of straw burning in India and promotes a circular economy. His work helps brands achieve their green goals without compromising quality, setting a new wave for sustainability in their respective industries.


Adnan Sami

University of Haripur

Title: Simulation of groundwater-lake interaction in selected dams of Haripur area, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Adnan Sami


Mr. Adnan Sami completed his graduation, in department of Earth Sciences from University Of Haripur in 2017.He did his Master  from University of Haripur in Earth Sciences  in 2023,and start his duty as Research associate with Dr. Anwar Qadir in department of earth science. He is enrolled in PHD. He completed many research works and presently working a project that is funded by KPK Irrigation department with Dr. Anwar Qadir. He has participated and presented his findings at various international conferences. His research expertise include, Ground water modeling, hydro geochemistry, hydrogeology, stable isotope analysis and Engineering Geology. He has contributed to the understanding of groundwater resources and their management strategies.

Keynote Speaker

Jose Juan Alonso del Rosario

Univerity of Cadiz, Spain

Title: Extreme Value Distribution of Sea Level and Statistical Estimation Theory: An Application to the Alboran Sea

Jose Juan Alonso del Rosario


José Juan Alonso del Rosario has been teaching Physics since 1992, obtaining a PhD in 1998. His research began studying tidal forces, developing a tidal potential, and then went on to delve deeper into the mechanisms of internal waves in the Strait of Gibraltar. The application of Mathematical Morphology to the study of the evolution of sea surface temperature has guided my studies in recent years, developing applications within the framework of Maritime Engineering within the School of Naval and Ocean Engineering at the University of Cadiz.


Vesna Mislej

Jp Vodovod Kanalizacija Snaga, Slovenia

Title: Vulnerability, robustness and sustainability of the operation of the wastewater treatment plant and its importance for the circular economy in the light of climate change

Vesna Mislej


Mislej Vesna graduated in 1984 on the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, with the theme from the field of environmental technologies. Throughout her career she deals with the issue of environmental protection. For many years she worked in the field of testing drinking water, wastewater and sewage sludge, whereby gained a lot of experience in terms of managing the quality system in accordance with technical standard ISO/IEC 17025. As an operator - process technologist she has extensive experience in the management process for biological treatment of wastewater and sewage sludge management. 


Viktar Melnik


Title: Climate Change and Transformation of the Borders of Agroclimatic Regions of Belarus

Viktar Melnik


Viktar Melnik is a leading researcher of the climatic research laboratory of the Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor. Graduated from the Odessa Hydrometeorological Institute in 1974.

Author of 7 monographs (co-authored) and about 110 scientific articles. Author of a number of scientific works on agricultural meteorology and the study of climate change (works on agroclimatic zoning of the territory of Belarus, atmospheric and soil droughts, changes in climatic characteristics: precipitation, temperature, etc.). Editor of a number of agroclimatic and climatic reference books.


Antonio Contreras de Villar

Universidad de Cádiz, Spain

Title: Analysis of coastal flooding caused by climate change. Case study on beaches in Cadiz and Malaga (Spain)

Antonio Contreras de Villar


Antonio Contreras de Villar holds a PhD in Engineering and Architecture, a Master's degree in Computational Modelling in Engineering and is a Technical Engineer in Public Works. He is a professor at the University of Cadiz in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Civil Engineering, in the area of Hydraulic Engineering. He is a member of the RNM-912 Research Group “Coastal Engineering”.


Dorsaf Nafti

Inat/ deloitte, Tunisia

Title: Food Security and climate change in Africa: Challenges and opportunities

Dorsaf Nafti


Dorsaf is an agricultural engineer with over seven years of professional experience in agricultural entrepreneurship, value chain analysis, and capacity building. Her expertise is complemented by her academic qualifications, including a master’s degree in Business Management. She started her career at the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia where she worked on the development of the date value chain in Tunisia. Dorsaf is also an agricultural entrepreneur, she has managed her own company specialized in the processing of agricultural products for more than five years. She holds professional certificates that further strengthen her expertise. She has obtained a professional certificate on sustainable food value chains for nutrition from the FAO, demonstrating her commitment to promoting sustainable and nutritious food systems. Today, Dorsaf is a senior consultant at Deloitte Tunisia, specializing in the development and analysis of agricultural value chains for better employability and more entrepreneurial opportunities. She brings extensive experience in project development and implementation across African countries, mainly Tunisia, Mauritania, and Senegal. 


Sadeeka Layomi Jayasinghe

CSIRO, Australia

Title: Quantifying ecosystem service potential in regenerative agriculture: A conceptual modelling framework

Sadeeka Layomi Jayasinghe



Alexis Bellorin

Centro Nacional de Investigación de Pesca y Acuicultura (CENIPA), Venezuela

Title: Recent climate change forcings on coastal upwellings and artisanal fishery of Sardinella aurita in Venezuela

Alexis Bellorin



Namrata Karki

BGEO, Spain

Title: An Integrated Urban Drainage Model in QGIS with IBER-SWMM

Namrata Karki


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